Medical Student Research
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery is pleased to offer several opportunities for medical students to become involved in musculoskeletal research. These opportunities allow students to gain clinical and research experience in the field of orthop
edics under the mentorship of leading faculty experts.Medical Student Research Opportunities
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery offers research programs for medical students who are in the College of Medicine’s Honors in Research Program as well as those who seek to do research in orthopaedic surgery outside of the Honors program. Our faculty welcomes students interested in gaining research experience and exposure to become involved at any level, any time. Medical students conduct their research projects with one or more of our outstanding clinical and research faculty members in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Many students have published their work as peer-reviewed articles, manuscripts, and abstracts as well as presented at national meetings and at UAMS’ Student Research Day.
Clinical faculty members often integrate medical students into their clinical practice or in the operating room during the summer to experience the real-life application of their research. Students working with our research faculty may be involved in translational research or human motion research studies conducted in the UAMS Biomechanics Lab.
Honors in Research
The College of Medicine’s Honors in Research Program is an opportunity for medical students who are between their first and second years to participate in research mentored by clinical and research faculty members. Research projects may include basic science, clinical, translational, public health, and other topics. Students who wish to participate in the program and have identified orthopaedic surgery as an area of interest will be assigned a faculty member or may independently find an orthopaedic mentor and project. An orientation meeting will be scheduled during the first week of summer break and is required to begin the Honors in Research summer program with the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.
The Honors in Research Program consists of a research project requiring an equivalent of six months research, preparation of a report in manuscript form in a style suitable for submission to a peer review journal, and presentation/participation at the COM 3MT and/or Student Research Day. Students who satisfactorily complete the requirements will be designated as earning “Honors in Research” on their College of Medicine transcripts, and their diplomas will include the phrase “With Honors in Research”. For more information visit:
If you are interested in the Honors in Research Program and need assistance in identifying a faculty sponsor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery or wish to conduct orthopedic research outside of the Honors program, please contact David Bumpass, M.D., to discuss potential opportunities.